Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It has recently come to my attention that Emma Stone (not Emma Roberts.. I always get those people mixed up) who is the redhead that was in Superbad and Easy A.. is not a natural redhead. Apparently, when she was cast in Superbad she had blonde hair, then Judd Apatow had the idea that she should dye her hair red. I guess to make it more realistic that Jonah Hill could get her? Redheads have a really bad rep. Anyway, she dyed her hair red, really liked it and decided to keep it. Now she is unique for having red hair and has therefore become famous. It's hard to even imagine her with blonde hair. Go Judd Apatow.

Similar story. Turns out Sofia Vergara was blonde before she was in Modern Family. Google it, I swear. She dyed her hair brown so she could fit the "Columbian" stereotype. And look at her now. Famous and gorgeous. Looking back on her with blonde hair is just borderline uncomfortable.

Both people who had blonde hair.. dyed it.. and are now successful. Really makes you think.

I have blonde hair. My whole life my mother has refused to let me dye it. I know what you're thinking. Why does your mother not want you to be successful? Good question. I don't know. She told me that if I dye it I will never get my color back. So that scares me. That's a giant commitment. I don't like the words never or forever. I can barely make plans a day in advance. No, I've never had a long term relationship... Why?

I don't think I can handle red. I'm already awkward enough. Emma Stone seems chill so she can pull it off. Plus, my hair is curly. Curly, red haired, spastic, awkward girls don't get very far in life. Maybe as a writer though. Interesting.

But now I can't stop thinking I might look so much better as a brunette. How do I know that my blonde hair isn't holding me back? Why has my mom been trying to sabotage me? Maybe I should dye hair my brown and then I'd be famous. Or at least not sitting here alone on Friday night..

I guess the only rational solution would be to just ask Judd.

1 comment:

  1. I've been a blonde for 21 years now (aka my whole life). I recently was inspired by Jennifer Lawrence, who is also a natural blonde. She died her hair to play bad-ass Katniss, so I figured I could do it too. I wanted to be a bad-ass like Katniss. Emma Stone was also inspiration for me. I had recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend, and it was time for something new. Like you, I was afraid of the commitment of "never" being able to get my hair color back. But you know what, life shouldn't be about fear. Life is about being in the now. Not fear of what will be. I dyed my hair brunette and was freaked out for about a week or two. Every time I looked in the mirror I felt I saw a Russian Spy wearing a wig. But now I love it. I went from honey blonde to a deep golden brunette and I'm still the same person. Still bubbly, awkward, weird, and outwardly confident. It took some time to get used to, but I love it now. Next I'm going red. One step at a time. People love it, and its always nice to feel like you are getting a fresh start...
