Get off your phone and talk to the people around you. You can text your friend later.
Meet new people. You might learn something.
Be open to new experiences.
Have an opinion. Read more. Be knowledgeable. If
you don’t have one, read some op-ed pieces. Making ditzy comments about
politics is not cute. It’s not attractive to be dumb.
Put some more clothes on. Showing your boobs and
your butt will not get you a second date. Or any respect.
7. Don't talk if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
Exercise. Not for your appearance but for your
self-esteem. It’s important to feel good in your own skin.
Always offer to pay. If he insists, that’s his
prerogative. But always offer.
10. Don’t
curse. It’s not cute or classy.
11. Have
ambition. Other than finding a man. Live your own life and do your own thing.
12. Stop
idolizing celebrities.
13. Be
successful. Don’t rely on other people.
14. Have
a sense of style. But you don’t have to Instagram it everyday. I know you think
its fashion blog worthy. It’s probably not.
15. Stop
being so insecure. Confidence is attractive.
16. Have interests, passions
and goals. Do something outside of work and getting drunk on the weekends.
17. Don’t
drink too much. It’s annoying and your friends don’t want to deal with it.
Blacking out isn’t cool after college.
18. If
there’s something you don’t like about yourself, change it. Don’t just complain
all the time and pity yourself.
19. Have
friends. Appreciate them. Be a friend in return.
20. One
real friend is more valuable than a group of seven girls that you pre-game
21. Always
keep the ball in your court. Take control over what you want.
22. Being
a slut does not get you respect. From them or from you.
23. Eat.
We’re not fun when we’re hungry. Obsessing over weight is annoying. And you’re
the only one who can notice the difference. Learn to be comfortable in your own
24. Laugh
more. Learn to see the humor in things. Especially when it comes to yourself.
25. Stop
being obsessed with other girls. They’re not as cool as you think they are.
Learn to love yourself.
26. Be
cultured. There is a museum in your city. Go to it.
27. Stop
gossiping and judging other people. Why do you care? Worry about yourself.
You’re not perfect.
28. Get
off Facebook. Once a day is enough. There is nothing that important happening
in other people’s lives that requires you to check it five times a day.
29. Stop taking selfies.
30. Most
of all, be yourself. Don’t worry about what other people think of you. Be who
you are and own it. Even if it means disregarding numbers 1-29 on this list.